Back in the early 90s most people were just hearing about the Internet for the first time, even though it was invented back in the 70s. It had very few practical uses and was incredibly difficult to access. But only a few years later, most of us already couldn’t go an hour without checking our emails. It took the Internet 2 decades to make it into our hearts, minds, and computer screens. The next revolution, the Bitcoin revolution is set to happen much quicker than that.
At the moment, less than 1000 people are holding most of the Bitcoins. This chart shows the ‘current’ overall distribution. At the moment, the general public are holding only 20.7% of all the coins.
Just like the Internet in the early 90s, Bitcoin is not very easy to access. But that is changing very quickly. At the end of 2013 there were less than 1,000 places that accept Bitcoin. Today in April 2014, there are 3,872 places where you can spend them.
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